Live-In Care

Live-In Care

We want to reiterate before we get into how our live-in care service works that virtually all of the services that we provide can be accessed even if we don’t have staff at your house 24/7. If you’re looking for bathing services or even meal prep help, these are all things that we can do individually. When we’re actually with a person at home at all times, many of these different things become part of the daily activities that we’ll be doing. Here are a couple of key elements to understand how this service works.   

How Many Nurses Will Be On Hand?
You can potentially request that more people be on hand, depending on your unique situation. In some cases, for example, it’s an elderly couple that lives together, and each of them may require specific care. If that’s the case, it makes more sense to potentially have two people on hand at all times. This is something that we can go through on a per-case basis to see what’s going to make more sense. We want to make sure that the person we are caring for is comfortable and, of course, well taken care of at all times.  

What’s Included In The Cost?
We can craft a unique budget for these types of situations. Food costs for our staff are most of the time the main concern for people, and rightfully so. The way that our staff handles that situation can vary depending on how we agree to coordinate things. In many cases, they can get their own groceries and their granted access to the kitchen area with their specific meal times. As far as the different services that they’ll be providing while on-site, that’s another element that we can talk through. Essentially, all of the individual services that we offer are available in a live-in care situation.  

Staff Rotation
One of the topics that we know is a hot-button issue for many people. It can be nerve-wracking enough to bring one new person into your home, let alone a few when we’re providing around-the-clock care, though at some point, we’re going to have to rotate our staff. What we usually do is have a set of caregivers that work with a particular family. We understand that it’s important to build that bond and connection with everyone involved so that things can run smoothly.

Is This The Best Option for You?
There are clear benefits to live-in care that we could point to. The person that we’re caring for is going to be watched over at all times. At the same time, this is not something that every person is going to require. We know that people still want to have a sense of privacy in certain situations, but their kids may feel safer if there’s someone on hand at all times. If you’re looking into this as a possibility, but you still have more doubts about how it works or how it would work in your situation, be sure to give us a call or contact us.
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